DECODE QUANTUMDecode Quantum l'émissionTRENDS

A la rencontre de Jan GOETZ, CEO d’IQM

[DECODE Quantum] Une émission animée par Fanny Bouton, Olivier Ezratty en co production avec FRENCHWEB.FR

Welcome to the 71th episode of Decode Quantum, and a new one in English after Jay Gambetta from IBM. This time, Fanny Bouton and Olivier Ezratty host Jan Goetz, the CEO of IQM, the famous Finish superconducting qubits startup.

Jan Goetz is the CEO and cofounder of IQM which was launched in 2019. Before that, he got his PhD at TUM (Technical University of Munich) in 2016. He conducted his work as a researcher at Walther-Meissner-Institute (WMI) in Germany (Garching, near Munich) working on the characterization of superconducting circuits.  After that, he was a post-doc at Aalto University, Finland, from 2017 to 2019 and a Marie Curie fellow. All his history in research is around superconducting qubits as we’ll discover.


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