ACTUALITEOffres d'emploi tech

Ils recrutent : PricingHUB, Beekast, Michael Page

Découvrez les offres d'emploi du jour dans le digital : Junior Backend Developer, Chargé(e) Support et Qualité, Responsable Applicatif Référent ERP

PricingHUB recherche un(e)

Junior Backend Developer (H/F)


At PricingHUB we leverage data at scale, using power of machine learning to help retailers implement multiple pricing strategies and action their daily trading. Our goal is twofold: i. Help our clients understand price elasticity and its components at a granular level and ii. Bring in automation so they can run pricing optimization at scale.
Beyond that we do also believe that there is a big opportunity to leverage on line data to make better pricing decisions in store and disrupt the world of  digital price tags.

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