[Voxxed Days] Focus on Microservices

Conférence / Du 21 au 23 octobre / Paris

Date Lieu Type Prix Site Facebook
Du 21 au 23 octobre Espace Charenton Conférence 588€ Voir le site Rejoindre l’event


Voxxed Days Microservices is an event focussed purely on Microservices. Two days of conferences and one workshop day (optional) just on Microservices.

  • You’ve heard of Microservices? Come and learn some more.
  • You struggle with Microservices? We’ll help you soothe the pain.
  • You are an expert on Microservices? Share your knowledge with the others.
  • Your company build Microservices? Come and talk about it.

All you want to know about Microservices but afraid to ask will be answered at Voxxed Days Microservices.

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